What We Do

We are a trusted supplier of North American seed genetics to Ukraine.


a trusted supplier of North American seed genetics to Ukraine

Established in 2016, NAPG is committed to providing high quality seed to Ukrainian farmers. The Ukrainian market is compelling; farmers are keen on advancing their agronomic practices and are hungry for the best technology. There is a robust opportunity for the Ukrainian seed market to support a globally-focused, agronomically driven seed company.  


From selection to production, we are focused on high quality seed.


Relationships built on trust are integral at all levels of our business.


We are dedicated to building a sustainable business.


Global Genetics

NAPG sources genetics from a wide range of independent breeders and established institutions.


Local Testing

NAPG has an extensive trialing program on the ground in Ukraine. We’ve been trialing and testing corn hybrids since our inception to find the best products to meet the needs of Ukrainian farmers.


Quality Production

All of our seed is produced in Ukraine by an experienced production team using state-of-the-art equipment at a sophisticated processing facility.




NAPG was started with a focus on corn. Ukraine is the largest corn producing country in Europe.

  • Over 11 million acres were harvested in 2018

  • Hybrid maturity ranges from 78 days to 110 days

  • The bulk of the corn growing regions plant 87 to 98 day corn



NAPG began exploring soybean opportunities in 2018 and conducted our first year of variety trials in Ukraine in 2019.

  • Over 4 million acres were harvested in 2018

  • Variety maturity ranges from RM00 to RM2.0 across the growing regions


Other crops

NAPG recently began testing sunflower hybrids in Ukraine and has plans to trial sorghum hybrids.

  • Ukraine is one the world’s largest producers of sunflowers

  • Sorghum presents a unique opportunity as more early maturing hybrids become available